Monday, July 22, 2024

Tuesday, July 23

I've been digging around on the computer to find stories that I've written over the years and I'm pleased to say that several have been uncovered that I had forgotten about.  However, no matter how many I find I'll never be able to continue posting one every day.  I can't write a new one every day so the supply will, inevitably, dry up.  The new plan is that I will only post stories on Monday and Friday and, on the other days, I will post only if I can think of something to say.  So there!

It's overcast here but Marilyn has decided that she is going to wash the sheets.  I'm beastly careless.  If I have to peg them out, so be it, and if I have to bring them in when the rain starts, I'll do that too.

We're certainly enjoying the new set-up of our lounge room.  One of the neighbours popped in yesterday and was gobsmacked to see that we only have one easy chair and one two-seater.  "Where will visitors sit?" she asked.  We thought of some snarky replies but said nothing.  However, we'll keep our options open; you never know what we might decide.

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