Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Wednesday, July 31

Marilyn heard that Archie would be left home alone today and decided that it wasn't fair for a little dog to be lonely.  Nothwithstanding that it is bitterly cold at the moment, that there is frost on the road and that I sometimes enjoy a lie-in, it was agreed that I would drop all that I planned and drive over to pick him up.  He was delighted to see me and is now spread on our couch, electric blanket underneath him, enjoying all that life has to offer.  It's a dog's life.

In reality, I don't have much planned for today.  In a couple of weeks' time I have to do a presentation to our Probus Club on our various trips to the Philippines.  I've put together a powerpoint presentation and am just missing a couple of photographs, which Jamie will provide.  Our first trip was 2006 and the last in, I think 2015, so there's a lot of memories to work with.  I just hope they are interested.

We haven't turned on the TV yet to watch what's happening at the Olympics. I think that underlies just how uninterested we are. There seems to a lot of skateboarding and surfing on at the moment and those are certainly not spectator sports (if they're sports at all!).   Who suggested that it might a good idea to include them?  Maybe things will pick up when the Athletics start.

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