Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Thursday, August 1

I don't have a very big desk and a lot of the available room is taken up with extraneous stuff.  There's a wooden box with several shelves where I shove stuff I don't want to lose, a framed picture of a coat of arms of one of the houses at Giant Steps, a small desk lamp, a tin which once contained butterscotch and now has a few mints in it, a leather-coverted cylinder with a few useful implements, like a paper-knife, scissors, pencils and so on.  For some reason, there's a camera, a pair of sunglasses in a case, a 5m tape measure and a new 2024 diary, unused.

I'm sure I would be much more productive if I had a pristine desk, clear of junk, but that's a pipe dream.  It is what it is and I just have to live with it.

Today's plan is to write another story for my collection.  I haven't looked at my list of 'prompts' yet but, mo doubt, something will catch my interest.

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