Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Thursday, July 25

I had to go out this morning to visit the Secretary of our Probus Club.  We had a bill to pay and the recipient didn't like cheques.  Direct deposits are easy nowadays and it's just a matter of two signatories being in the same place at the same time to authorise it.  I took over the job in March and it's taken me this long to put the infrastructure in place to be able to pay anyone.  The Commonwealth Bank hasn't helped.  

The day I was elected, I went to the bank and asked how I could register my signature and so on.  They told me what I needed to do and I set that up for the next meeting.  We only meet once a month so a month later I took the details to the bank.  It wasn't what they needed.

A month later I took the new information to them and confirmed that I could now pay by direct deposit.  Oh, no, that's something else again.  Now I need to register for net banking which is a new set of details.  Of course, when I tried to log in, it told me my user number had expired.  I needed it today so, at 7 o'clock this morning I rang the Helpline and was assisted by a young man with a very camp voice.  "User names don't expire," he said. "You will need to log in on a different browser."

I've never heard that one before but, luckily I have two computers set up on my desk.  I had been using my MacBook but I switched to the HP desktop and it sailed through.  I'm getting too old for this.

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