Friday, February 17, 2017

Saturday, February 18

We have visitors the weekend. Jamie's ex-wife, Melanie, has popped off to Townsville for a few days, leaving her two sons with Madeleine. To give. Madi a break, we've got them for a couple of days. They're no trouble but it knocks us out of our comfortable rut.

Today, we took them to the Chudleigh Show. If they were expecting something like the Royal Easter or the Ecca, I'm sure they were disappointed, but they did see some wood-chopping and a bloke who stood on the back of his horse while he cracked a whip. Part of the show was a display of elderly cars. We felt elderly too, when we realised that we used to own examples of three of the cars on display: a Morris Minor, a Mini and a Vauxhall. Our Vauxhall was a Velox and the one on display was a Cresta but the point still stands.

Tomorrow, there's a parade of street cars down the main street of Deloraine so I imagine we'll end up there in an attempt to amuse the boys.

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