Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Thursday, October 10

 We were sitting down to have our lunch when I realised that I hadn't written today's blog post, so I'm catching up a bit late.  We were watching a game show while we had our sandwiches.  There's a good selection on Youtube and today it was the UK version of Tipping Point.  We've watched the Australian version but it's a bit frenetic for me; some of the contestants try a bit too hard to be entertaining and Todd can be a bit aggressive when he's trying to tempt the winner to take a risk.  In comparison, the UK version is a bit lower-key.  I could see myself taking part in the pommy one but not the ozzie alternative.

In fact, Marilyn and I did take part in a TV quiz show years ago.  We were married but it was before Jamie was born, so late 60s.  It was called The Marriage Game and we managed to win our heat.  We got a heap of prizes which included dinner for four at a restaurant in Sydney.  Very nice!  The show might have been hosted by Gordon Boyd but I can't be sure.

Nearly forty years later, we were on a cruise in the Malacca Straits on the Superstar Gemini and, as part of the entertainment, they resurrected The Marriage Game.  Marilyn and I enthusiastically took part thinking that our experience would help, but we failed miserably.  The prizes weren't worth winning anyway.  (Sour grapes?)

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