Monday, October 7, 2024

Tuesday, October 8

 It's our Probus meeting tomorrow and, because I agreed to be Treasurer, I have to prepare a financial report for the meeting.  It's not a big deal; we collect $10 from each member at the meeting and pay the Bowls Club ladies for the morning tea they provide.  Hardly anything to stress over.  However, I think I've made a mistake in taking on this job.  One problem is that I am having trouble learning the members' names.  After a year, I probably only know four for sure.  Yes, they have badges but I would have to put on my glasses to read the names and that's not a good look. (that comment comes close to being a joke - not a good look - glasses?) I also made the mistake of agreeing to give a talk about our experiences in the Philippines and it didn't go as well as I had hoped.

In the past I've always been happy to take on a leadership role.  Even in the Cubs, back in about 1957, I wanted to be the one who said 'DYB DYB DYB' while everyone else answered 'DOB DOB DOB'  But nowadays all I want to do is fade into the background. 

This business of getting old is no fun.

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