Monday, June 6, 2022

Tuesday, June 7


Bicycles came up twice in the news today.  The first is the extraordinary sight of two national leaders riding bicycles through the grounds of a palace in Djakarta.  What I liked was the fact that the bicycles were made of bamboo. Why haven't I heard of this before?  Bamboo bicycles sound fabulous.  I remember my first bicycle and a lasting memory is that it was so heavy; made of good Australian steel and made to outlive its rider. A bamboo bicycle would be so easy to heave onto a train, or a ferry out even throw over your shoulder to carry it up a flight of steps.  Maybe it's a good thing that we now have a reasonably slim and fit Prime Minister.  Somehow, I don't see it as Scomo's thing; riding efficiently on an Indonesian bamboo bike.

The other mention of bicycles came in a breathless article in my online newspaper.  For those of us tied to our desks, we can now get a desk chair with built in pedals so we can do our exercise while working.  How did I ever live without it?

We have two appointments today and that's unusual.  Normally, we try to keep our diaries tidy by not trying to do too much in one day but, for some reason, we have two things happening at the same time.  We are supposed to be at a Morning Tea in Deloraine but find that we're also booked in to see the podiatrist.  

One of our rules is don't book anything on Tuesdays or Friday mornings because they're the usual days when we have regular activities but something went wrong.  Of course, our feet take priority so we'll be heading off to the surgery soon.

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