Friday, September 20, 2024

Saturday, September 21

I suppose everybody gets 'earworms': little ditties which run around and around in their head.  Today, for me, it's an inconsequential song from the Dark Ages called Little Kid Sister, sung by Smoky Dawson.  I blame Jamie.  We were talking about furniture and he suggested I might like a 'Smoky Dawson' chair.  It's one with a mechanism which will lift you to your feet if you are too decrepit to do it yourself.  Apparently, it's called after Mr Dawson because he used to advertise them on television.  Marilyn says the correct name is Laz e Boy.

However, Smoky Dawson has worked his way into my brain, especially his song about his kid sister.  The only thing I like about the song is the clever rhyme:

    God decided she was meant for 

    A star, and so He sent for.

Hearing the song as an adolescent, I thought it was clever the way the songwriter (was it Smoky himself?, had managed to rhyme not one but two words and that one part of the rhyme was in the middle of a sentence.  Of course, my knowledge of the world was much more limited then.

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