Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wednesday, September 18

Although we're having beautiful weather during the day, nights are cold.  Sadly, as Tom Jones tells us, it's not unusual to have to get up during the night to visit the toilet.  And it doesn't take long for the body heat to dissipate so then whichever one us has been lucky enough to stay in bed has to deal with a frozen bed-fellow climbing in trying to get warm again.

It was Marilyn's turn this morning to get up and, when she came back to bed she tried a new trick.

"Slide over," she said. "Let me get into the warmer side.  It's colder near the window."

I'd never thought about it.  Marilyn has always slept on the left side of the bed and me on the right.  I suspect it's because I like to sleep on my right side and the temperature of the room doesn't come into it.  However, we're now accepting the new reality: that the temperature in the room varies with how close it is to the window.  As the male of the species, I have no choice on which side of the bed I sleep on so I'm now relegated the cold side.  

We'll see how it goes.

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