Saturday, April 2, 2022

Sunday, April 3

I've made a pledge to myself to write something in the blog every day.  I know the quality of my scribblings will vary from sublime prose to total garbage but it's the thought that counts (or my determination to fulfil my target).  But here I am faced with the author's curse: I have nothing to say.

We live a quiet life, don't watch much TV, never go to the movies, rarely have a visitor.  What could there be in our lives to comment on?  Longford is a small town with a small town's lack of excitement and variety, so there's nothing much happening here worthy of comment.  Even Launceston, our adjacent 'big' city, is just a sleepy regional centre. In any case, we don't listen to local radio or read the local paper so, again, how would be know what's going on?

Occasionally, we hear through the grapevine about an event but it's rare and we tend to dismiss these anyway; we don't want to know about anything that might disturb our quiet lives.  Maybe having nothing to say is the price I pay for being able to enjoy a quiet life.

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