Sunday, September 25, 2022

Monday, September 26

I woke up this morning with a touch off the 'What's it all about?' in my head.  I thought of the last few days and tried to identify exactly what I did and the list was pretty short: a couple of trips to the supermarket, change the linen on the bed, mow the lawn, write some inconsequential words and read quite a lot.

I realised that I have been retired for longer than my last job: I was 10 years at Giant Steps and I've been retired now for 12 years and 9 months.  I heard on the news that the Federal Government's budget is better than anticipated but will still be hard to balance.  It's no wonder when old buggers live so long and are a drain on society for much longer than should be expected.

I discovered on my search of the internet that the first Old Age Pension scheme started in Germany in 1889 and Britain followed in 1908.  Some American states tried to follow suit but, as in normal in that benighted country, the courts put obstacles in their way.  Ben Chifley kicked it off in Australia in 1945 although some Trade Unions had individual schemes before that.

I need to keep reminding myself that it's not welfare.  Over my working life I've contributed through my taxation and, unlike many, I've never paid a tax accountant to fiddle the amount that I'm expected to pay. Realising that makes me feel better and I can go about my day without any reservations.

My online calendar tells me it's the Kings Birthday in Western Australia.  It's going to be hard to get used to that nomenclature.  (Love the big word!)

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