Monday, September 19, 2022

Tuesday, September 20

 It's our Probus meeting today so I'll give the gym a miss.  My plan was a leisurely breakfast, shower and dress, scribble a few words to keep my multitude of readers quiet and leave at about 8.45.  Then I scanned the news to see if there was anything worth reading and couldn't believe my luck: there's a story about the Big Potato at Robertson, filled with snide remarks, puns and references to poo. Fantastic!

Apparently, it's been sold and the previous owner, Melanie Tait, is celebrating.  She says, 'Thank Godfordshire  I won't have to talk to any more commercial radio hosts and pretend that their jokes comparing the Big Potato to a poo are funny."  Thank Godfordshire?  I've never hear that expression before.  What a wonderful euphemism to avoid upsetting the religious lobby.

Ms Tait mentioned some of the messages she received when her friends heard the news.  "This news has mashed me up. I'm wedged between joy and sadness.  Is there no way we could hash this out?  Perhaps if we all chip in?"

There's one sliver of good news.  It seems Melanie has written a play called The Appleton Ladies Potato Race and a movie about it is being shot in Robertson later this year - with a strong supporting role for the Big Potato.

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