Friday, December 16, 2022

Saturday, December 17

We had to go into Launceston yesterday. It seems to be always for the same reason: something to do with our health.  This time it was for Marilyn to have her annual eye check up.  Everything is good and no need for new specs.  We had been into the same agency last week for hearing tests and ended up with sparkling new hearing aids.  We had fallen for an ad campaign years ago to have our hearing tested and were issued with simple hearing aids courtesy of the Federal Government.  It seems we are now eligible for an updated model.

I was keen because the new ones have in-built blue tooth which means I can listen to podcasts while I am doing my morning exercises and don't have to put up with the little earpieces I bought which keep falling out.

The town was a nightmare: we hadn't counted on the Christmas rush and struggled to find a parking spot.  Because we don't have large suburban shopping centres like more populated cities, everybody here comes to the city and it doesn't cope. However, we survived and are having today at home to recover.

The sun is shining and it looks as if I'll be mowing the lawn this afternoon.

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