Friday, August 18, 2023

Saturday, August 19

We're a well-regulated household; Marilyn has her jobs and I have mine.  Over the years, these have evolved and now we're comfortable with our individual responsibilities.  Some of my specific jobs include making the bed, hanging-out and bringing in the washing, anything to do with bins, the letterbox, cutting grass, watering, anything to do with knives (carving, chopping, etc), moving furniture, and so on.  Since Anne has come to visit, it appears I have another job.  Every morning, I am expected to provide a compote of freshly-cut fruit for breakfast.  

I like to go to the gym in the morning and, now, when I return, home my wife and her sister are sitting in the lounge room in their dressing gowns waiting for me to arrive so that I can start the preparation of the fruit compote.  Half of an apple, half an orange, half a banana, kiwi fruit, some chopped American grapes and several chopped strawberries.  

I suggested I might prepare it with a whole apple and orange, for example and leave the remainder in the fridge until the next day, but I was informed that the most important thing about a fresh fruit compote is that it is fresh ... not made yesterday and left in the fridge to go brown. 

That's the trouble with having visitors; you have to try just a little bit harder when they're here.

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