Saturday, August 5, 2023

Sunday, August 6

I'd probably been told, but I'd forgotten that the reason Jamie and Nera were in Hobart this weekend was so that they could go to a football match.  Jamie has been a Melbourne supporter since he was at school and Nera has adopted them too, with a passion.  We only have a few matches each year in Tasmania and this time it featured the Demons.

For years, Tasmania has been lobbying for the right to have a Tasmanian team in the national competition. AFL is the number one sport in this state but the AFL bosses say our population is too small to support a team.  This year, they have relented and have said a team is possible but we'll have to build a huge state-of-the-art stadium on a waterfront site near the bridge.  If this happens, there could be as many as five matches a year held there.

It's a no-brainer for the die-hard fans but in a state with a housing shortage and the lowest per capita income in the nation, how could you even contemplate it?  Battle lines are drawn and those of us who have no skin in the game can just stand back and watch the fur fly.

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