Thursday, November 23, 2023

Friday, November 24

 It's 7.41 am and I'm well into my morning routine. Marilyn is still in bed, reading and I've already had my cereal and anticipating toast and marmalade later.  There's been a recent change to my morning duties and I'm still getting used to it.  For years, I've been in the habit of watering my meagre garden in the evenings. It's worked pretty well but has caused some friction between Marilyn and me.  I want to wait until the sun goes down before I start the process but Marilyn wants everything finished before she starts cooking dinner.

I don't know anything about gardening but take my lead from how Marilyn's father did it and I remember him standing in the dark holding a hose.  Somewhere in the back of my mind is a thought that it is wrong to water in the bright sunlight.  Of course, when there a difference of opinion we turn to Google to find the right answer.  'When is the best time to water in Tasmania?' I ask and the surprising answer comes back.

'The very worst time to water is in the evening.  Water droplets lie on the leaves too long and can cause fungal infection!!' or something like that.  What?  How could I be wrong for so long?  So, I've had to change my whole daily routine.  Now, instead of watching YouTube videos of Scott or Steve catching trains, I'm holding a hose (unlike a previous PM).

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