Monday, November 27, 2023

Tuesday, November 28

Since I've started watering in the morning, I can have my regular chores completed by morning tea.  It's. not a long list but it's surprisingly constant, not changing much from one day to the next: watering, of course, cut up fruit for a fruit salad, hang out a load of washing, make the bed, do a ten minute walk on the treadmill.  I'm glad the evening watering routine has gone; I took no pleasure in it.  At least, in the morning the sun is shining and there are always a few birds around, going about their business.  Marilyn tells me the plants are looking better too, which is a bonus.

Anne is still with us and we've had to modify our routine to accommodate another person in the house.  She's not keen on television and makes no sense of the stuff we watch, like UK Mastermind, and Strictly Come Dancing.  That's OK, Marilyn loves having someone to chat to and I'm just as happy with a book.

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