Friday, August 9, 2024

Saturday, August 10

There has been a bit of activity next door as Jen gets her unit in shape for renting.  A boyfriend came with a truck to cart stuff away, her father arrived to sort out some issues.  Then a team of cleaners descended on the place followed by someone to shampoo the carpet.  That last crowd left the air conditioner on, I suppose to help dry out the dampness.  Then quietness descended.

Yesterday, a small white car drove up with a strange notice painted on the side - @home.  It was a realestate person, who spent an hour or so in the unit before driving away.  Perhaps they were doing a survey or waiting for a prospective client who didn't turn up.  I'm not nosy but ...

I looked at their website and found the unit listed for rent, for a weekly cost of $460!  What?   This is a 2-bedroom unit in a country town in Tasmania, for goodness sake.  Who would pay that sort of money?  I suppose we should be pleased because the prospective renters will likely be a couple who both work, rather than a single-income family with a couple of kids and a stay-at-home mum.  Anyway, the main worry is that Jamie might want to move Marilyn and me into a caravan and rent out our place.  $460 .. it's madness.

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