Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Wednesday, August 7

 During a particularly cold snap a few weeks ago, our bird bath froze over, large flakes of the orange ceramic material started to break away and, eventually a large crack appeared in the bottom.  A bird bath that leaks is not much use so I asked Jamie to get rid of it.  The base was still intact but, as it was a statue depicting a naked cherub, I decided that it needed to go too.  We haven't got around to replacing it yet but 'it's on the list'.

This morning is bright and sunny.  Marilyn was looking out of the window and commented that there was a string of birds sitting on the fence, looking forlornly at the place where the bird bath used to be.  I'm sure it was just a coincidence that they were sitting there but Marilyn was sure they were bemoaning the fact that they couldn't have their morning splash. I could get a new bath, I suppose, from Bunnings or I could order one from Temu but that doesn't solve this morning's dilemma.  

Marilyn pointed out that we have a large flat bowl taking up space in our lounge room.  We had it made by a bloke called Len Cook who had a studio at a place called Paluma near Townsville.  Marilyn always called it Heloise's Bowl because our cat (Heloise) loved to sleep in it.  All Len's pottery was large and fired in a wood kiln, using wood from old timber fences.  He had a deal with the local farmers to build new fences for them and he would take away the old stuff.  The old stuff fired his kiln providing more heat than he might get otherwise.

I wonder what Len would think of his very artistic piece being relegated to the job of bathing dirty sparrows and starlings.

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