Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sunday, August 11

So, this is the last day of the Olympics. I must be getting old and cynical because I haven't really enjoyed much of it.  I can still get excited when I see a good 1500m race, or a close finish in a kayak race but a lot of it just leaves me cold.  The inclusion of stuff like skateboarding and break-dancing is ludicrous and I imagine will turn off a lot more people than it will attract.  The other thing is the second-rate commentators we had to put up with this year.  Most of them seem to have little idea about what they are talking about.  So many have harsh, nasal voices which don't suit a microphone. And who wants to listen to the competitors' Mums and Dads being interviewed.? "How did you feel when Natasha won the race?" Duh!

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