Monday, August 19, 2024

Tuesday, August 20

I dropped Marilyn off to her Craft group and went to an appointment with the doctor: nothing is wrong but she wanted me to have my regular check-up.  At my advanced age, they like to make sure I'm having my fair share of medications and that I'm not too noticeably gaga.   Apparently, I fulfilled the requirements and I'm safe to live in the community.

Marilyn and I often say how lucky we are to live in Australia where the social services are so accessible.

Nobody has moved into the unit next door which is empty since Jen moved to co-habit with her boyfriend.  I thought the asking price for the rent ($460) might be a bit steep but what do I know.  There have been a couple of cars nosing around but the people in one oversized monster took one look at the rather narrow driveway and left without getting out of the car.  A nice, recently retired couple with a sensible 4-cylinder car and impeccable habits is what we're looking for.

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