Friday, August 2, 2024

Saturday, August 3

 At last, an articulate medal-winner at the 2024 Olympics.  In saying that, I might be being unfair to competitors from other countries, but I can’t imagine what the international community is thinking about the Australian education system.  First, warm congratulations to Jemima Montag for her third place in the 20 km walk and for her precise, correct, articulate interview following it.  I mean Jemima was articulate, not the over-gushy, pushy, tongue-tied interviewer.


In an attempt to help where I can, I’ve prepared a list of things for interviewers to avoid when talking on air.  Train yourselves to avoid the dreadful ‘um’.  ‘So’ should be used sparingly and never to introduce a new thought.  ‘Yeah’ is taboo. ‘Yeah, nah’ is worse. ‘So, yeah’ and ‘Yeah, um’ or, even, ‘So, um,’ should lead to immediate shutdown of the interview.  


It doesn’t have to be like it is.

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