Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Thursday, August 15

 It was our Probus meeting yesterday and I had been tagged to be Guest Speaker.  I offered to talk about our various trips to the Philippines.  Normally, this would just be 'another day ay the office'. I'm comfortable with Powerpoint and I've made dozens of presentations like this one, often to more difficult groups than this Longford Mens Probus.

I had about thirty slides and a mixture of facts and anecdotes and I expected there would be one or two light-hearted moments and some questions at the end.

However, I found it difficult to sleep the night before, going over and over the presentation in my mind and, when it came to the time to talk to the group, I stumbled from the beginning.  I know that I mumbled, didn't hold the microphone up and, generally, made a botch of it.  The members were polite but I think we were all glad when it was over.

Time to take stock.

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