Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sunday, September 1

There's an old Scottish expression 'Blawin' a hooley' which I've heard a couple of times recently on the Youtube channels I watch.  It means, of course ,'blowing a gale'.  And it was blawin' a hooley in Longford last night.  The Weather Bureau issued warnings and advised battening down hatches and so on but Marilyn and I slept through it undisturbed.  This morning, there were a few plants dislodged from the shelves at the side of the house but nothing that couldn't be fixed.

It's Fathers' Day today but, thankfully, nobody has suggested that we go out for lunch.  I've never been particularly sociable and I'm not getting any better as I get older.  Jamie says he will drop over later and bring in some treats from the local bakery.  That's the sort of celebration I can cope with.

First, though, he has to pick up a young lady from the airport and deliver her to Nera's Nursing Home in Deloraine.  In a couple of days, he will take her back to the airport to fly back to Melbourne.  It's compulsory now for nursing homes to have a registered nurse on duty for every shift and there is such a shortage they have to bring them in from interstate.  So, one shift might cost the centre the nurse's wags, the airfare and Jamie's expenses for picking her up and delivering her.  And that's why we need to have more immigration.

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