Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sunday, August 18

We're always on the lookout for ways to make our lives easier.  Jamie is a big help but he can't be here every day.  Marilyn has help with the housework once a week and we can get a gardener from time to time if the yard needs a tidy-up.  One big issue is meals.  It's a big job providing three meals a day for two people and the bulk of this falls on Marilyn.  For the past few months we've had Meals on Wheels delivered.  They're not free but they relieve the challenge of kitchen drudgery.  Mid-morning on five days per week a car arrived with our evening meals for the day. On the other days, we look after ourselves. The meals have been good but they're not very exciting, so we're looking around for an alternative.

Frozen meals don't quite fill the bill, packaged meals like Hello Fresh still need quite a bit of preparation, you can only eat so many takeaway pizzas and we can't afford to go to Stickybeaks every night.  There's a company in Hobart which provide home-cooked meals but Longford might be a bit out of their delivery area.  There must be something similar in the north of the state so the search continues.

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