Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Thursday, August 22

 We tell ourselves that there is no need to get up so early in the morning.  The days are long enough and, when you get to our age you need to look after yourself better.  But, it makes no difference, My eyes open just before 7 each morning, Summer or Winter, and I have to be up and about.  Marilyn enjoys staying in bed a bit longer and it's my job to bring her a cup of coffee. Marilyn tells me that my coffee is always better but I think that's just flim-flam to keep me happy (and to keep me making it!).

It's a long day, though. We'll punctuate it with a bit of a walk, reading a few pages of our books and maybe a Youtube video or two. We're enjoying watching videos of places we never got to, like Santorino or Valpairaso and we try to keep up with some of the professional You-tubers like Scott or Steve or Brogan.  

I suppose it's not a bad life.

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