Monday, August 26, 2024

Tuesday. August 27

 Longford is a typical country town which has grown up around a section of the Midlands Highway.  The Main Street exit at the north end of town is just one lane in each direction and ends at a roundabout which will take you East or West.  Just before the roundabout is an empty block of land and some company has applied to build a truck fuel stop on it, operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.   

The town is in uproar trying to stop it: the road is too narrow and big trucks trying to turn into the depot will hold up the traffic, and so on.  It was approved by Council a couple of weeks ago and it's now going to the State Government for their rubber stamp.  "Over our dead bodies", say the locals.

There are three service stations in town already, all of whom provide for the trucks, is the cry.  Why do we need another one which will inevitably take business from the existing outlets?  So, there is to be a public meeting on Saturday in the Memorial Hall to talk about it and, I presume, work out a battle plan.  It could be interesting so I'll have to be there.  Jamie's offered to come with me in case it gets ugly.

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