Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Thursday, August 29

 I have an appointment this morning to have a scan on my leg.  The podiatist I saw last month didn't like the colour of my right leg and said I might need it looked at. There's a bloke in the next village, Perth, who does that sort of thing so I'm off to see him.  The Council has told us that the water might be cut off at 9 o'clock so Marilyn's having her shower before I leave.   It's all go here.

I think Jamie and Nera are flying to Melbourne this weekend to buy a car.  Jamie's Murano is playing up and Nera is itching to pass on her Jeep to him so she can have something better.  She spoke to a broker and he's found a Tesla for her.  They have to be in Melbourne to seal the deal and hope they can get a space on the Spirit of Tasmania to get it home.  Otherwise, they'll leave it in storage and go back another time.

I don't fancy Jamie's job of driving it through Melbourne traffic to the port.  I checked it on Youtube and it doesn't drive like an ordinary car at all.  But, maybe it's the future.

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