Friday, May 27, 2022

Saturday, May 28

I don't think I'll be invited back to the election count in four years.  Yesterday, for the second time I exposed a weakness in the OHS procedures of the local counting station.  After my fall on Saturday night, there was a meeting of the bosses and they talked about what needed to be done to ensure it never happened again.  Security guards were employed to walk people to their cars and various staff members were given important titles like 'Venue Co-ordinator', 'Head of Security', 'OHS co-ordinator' and so on. They were reassured that they would be more than ready for the next incident.

Marilyn and I are in different teams at the centre with a screen between us.  My team is just 4 people and a supervisor, identifiable by his yellow vest.  Mid-afternoon, my supervisor told us we were going to a different building to start working on the Senate papers.  It was out the door, along an alleyway and up the hill a bit.   An hour or two later, Marilyn decided to have a coffee and came looking for me, but I was missing.

She spoke to her supervisor, to the Head of Security and the OHS co-ordinator and, like Sergeant Schulz, they knew nothing.  There was mild panic: all the toilets were checked in case I was incapacitated and, eventually, somebody suggested they were not dealing with a single missing person and that the whole team was missing.  Perhaps, they had gone up the hill.  So, I was found.

So there will be another re-write of the procedures. Perhaps heads will roll.

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